Planning Family Ties ride

// In the October issue of Adventure rider I wrote a story about riding with childhood mates. This is how it is made up out of the three volumes of Dualsport Australia discs. As th three volumes join it is as simple as joining them together to make a seperate ride. this ride was part of all 3 volumes. We followed vol1 from coffs to moonan flat then vol 2 to Walcha, then vol 3…

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A hardcore Christmas ride

With Tomartys fruit Market dominating my time, Trev dropped in and suggested A Christmas ride before things go completely crazy. With challenging riding planned we kept it to DR riders, Trev, Craig andTroy who thrive on a little adversity along with myself who loves creating it. With rain forecast, we were treated with a brilliant blue sky day after a week of rain. South offered nice challenging options with a minimum of clay. The boys…

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Checking Vol-1 North from Coffs Harbour

Summertime is so busy for my fruit business, this ride was months ago. With a few extra days off work presented a chance to go north for a couple of days with an overnight at Drake. Forecast rain and father’s day kept the numbers down with only Troy keen to go. The plan was to follow volume one and reassess the riding with Troy, who had never been and after countless times see how I…

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Too nice

Cain had finally seen the light, adding a new VSM DR650 to his stable of KTM’s. Apparently he has never been on a ride with me without swearing at me inside his helmet. The DR must have given him confidence and he asked for a snotty ride south and can he bring some mates. Mean and nasty I seem to have issues with trying too hard to show our best riding and end up making…

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New ride with Tom

The plan was simple, spend a full day getting to Inverell with Tom. Checking out a loop for the Green Valley Farm congregation (if it happens) and grab some photos. The next day score some TLC for my bike from Vince with a suspension upgrade. New England, New Valley, new loop and new suspension. Chasing rainbows The sky looked black and menacing with rain falling to the east and a strange rainbow to the south….

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Redemtion ride

The recent fires have left a lot of uncertainty about Dualsport Australia routes being open after fires smashed some areas. This opened up some opportunities to get some longer rides in and a chance to redeem myself with Troy, a local bloke with a new DR whose first ride with me had been a tad er adventurous. That first ride story will be in the next issue of Adventure Rider. With the Bellingen, Nymboida, Bellbrook,…

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Better Fat than flat

There has been a lot of excitement this week that motorcycling counts as exercise, but how? One of my older mates used to say “there is nothing in the husky manual about pushing” (late s70’s and early 80”s husky manuals had riding tips) so that’s out but apparently you can get a good workout riding, the premier said so.   I must be doing it wrong. On a recent visit to my Doctor where he…

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Bored, fun with maps. Planning a multi-day ride

It’s a bit hard at the moment with no riding for most people but here is something fun to do with Google Maps whilst you’re bored. Plan some 200-300km loops from your home and use your phone or convert to GPX files to ride when lockdown finishes. We are not really going to be welcome straight away in remote areas and a one day route is not going to scratch the riding itch, but what…

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  UNCHAINED I think everyone knows what it’s like to not being able to ride and to be finally let off the chain, this example was caused by a new business before Corona shut down earlier this year and the urge is building again.   Early starts After opening a new business time had become scarce, early starts and late finishes had become the norm. With wet days and roadworks had slowed trade a planned…

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Afew days off

Christmas is here and a few days off. The regular posts and ride reviews from Dualsport Australia have been a casualty of opening a Fruit Stall called Tomartys on Sawtell Road. The stall has been a raging success at the expense of time to go riding making posts difficult. Talking about tomatoes and bananas hasn’t quite got the same ring to it as a multi-day ride. The website will stay as a platform to sell…

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